Friday, May 02, 2014

Vicki Hinze's Down & Dead in Dixie ~ Reviewed

By Vicki Hinze
Published By Magnolia Leaf Press
267 Pages

ABOUT BOOK: Clean Read. This book is suitable for most readers. 

To live, sometimes ya gotta die! Daisy Grant is in a heap of trouble. She stumbles into a mob turf war and now somebody wants her dead. Daisy may be small-town to the bone, not at all the kind of woman to deal with the Southern Mafia, but she knows how to get creative fast! 

Enters the way-too-attractive Mark Jensen... He didn't mean to rescue anybody, and he certainly didn't mean to go on the run because of a stubborn, sassy woman. Soon they are up to their ears in so many wacky characters they don't know who's on their side. Daisy and Mark decide that to live, sometimes ya gotta die. And sometimes to die right takes . . . practice.

Review: I’m thankful for the review copy of the first book in the Down & Dead, Inc. series. It’s a delightful, suspenseful drama that introduced me to Vicki Hinze’s humorous side. Love that! I also enjoyed her cast of characters that brought me through a full range of emotion that started off with laughter, empathy, anger and a few more as I instantly related to Daisy Grant. She is having a string of unfortunate events. The first of these events that starts the unfortunate events is the fact that she catches her hem on her shoe, it brakes and makes her fall. While down for the count she witnesses Edward Marcello’s murder. If that wasn’t bad enough she discovers this was a mob hit on another mob family!

“…If I’d known I was going to die today, I’d have worn more comfortable shoes…I’m not fond of heels…As it as, catching my hem was catching a break-odd for me, because my standard requirement to catch a break is to need both hands and a net to just miss out on any luck at all. I guess I was saving it all up for one night.”

She goes to the police and tells them what she’s seen. They want to have her testify against the mob. FBI Detective Keller tells her how the witness protection works. She learns their success rate of keeping people alive isn’t so great. Two mob families wanted her dead. She feels she’d take matters into her own hands. It was her life after all.

“Daisy quickly discovers that to live, sometimes Ya gotta die. But when you’re not a pro at dying, you can mess up…and sometimes to get death right, it takes. Practice.” Her friend Lester tells her to find his friend Paul in Dixie, Florida. He’s help her. Daisy feels lead to go to New Orleans to work for her brothers friend Mark Jensen. They’d never met but his brother trusted Mark and so would she. She didn’t’ want to involve Mark in her troubles. So she called herself Lily, then the fun and inner turmoil begins.

Daisy/Lily ends up in a place called Sampson Park. It’s a quiet place where no phones, computers, modern conveniences it’s a special place you’ll be safe. No cameras, recorded other communication equipment or devices.

Lesters friend tells Dixie, “Wounds made simple things complex, but not hopeless.” Daisy was learning a new way to live that wasn’t comfortable. She says, “Every single atom. Never, not once in my whole life, had I dared to want it rely on someone else for anything…! I’m definitely out of my mind!”

Daisy learns that she’s not the only one running for her life. In the author notes Vicki says that Sampson Park is fictional but Shelter House, which is locate in the central area of Sampson Park is real and it’s services include a 24 hour hotline, crisis counseling, outreach, primary prevention and confidential housing in Okaloosa and Walton counties in FL.

This is a fun clean story with some drinking references that has no graphic killing scenes in it. I enjoyed Daisy and Mark adventure to save their lives and their touching sweet moments together too. I loved how he treated Daisy given all they went through in such a short time.

It’s a book I recommend for a laugh and some food for thought. I was thrilled to see another side of this authors writing style. It was so much fun to read and laugh!

Reviewed by: Nora St Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins

Finding Hope Through Ficton Blog

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